Ludwig “Louis” NICOLAUS was born 5 Jan 1829 in Heuchelheim, Bayern to Georg Wilhelm NICOLAUS and Margaretha JAHRAUS. He died 5 May 1903 in Sacramento, California. Louis married 4 Jun 1857 in Sacramento, California to Susanna Elisabetha KERTH. She was born on 20 Sep 1835 in Gräfenhausen, Bayern (also have: born in Aug of 1834, Annweiler, Pfalz, Bayern) to Johann Heinrich KERTH and Anna Maria HAUCK. She died 1 Jan 1901 in Sacramento, California. According to California Voter Registrations Louis was 5 feet 5 ½ inches tall, he had a light complexion, brown eyes and gray hair, and Naturalized on 11 Mar 1859 in Amador County, California. The 1900 Us Census states that Susanna immigrated to the US in 1857.
Baptisms of Louis and Susanna

The Daily Bee Sat Jun 6 1857
Note - Louis's younger brother George & Susanna's younger sister Ann M listed below them.


The Evening Bee Fri Jan 4 1901
The Evening Bee Sat Jan 12 1901
The Evening Bee Tue Apr 14 1903
The San Francisco Call Wed Apr 15 1903
The Evening Bee Wed May 6 1903

Davis, Illustrated History of Sacramento 1880, p.752
LOUIS NICOLAUS, one of the leading business men of Sacramento, and proprietor of the [Capitol] brewery corner Twelfth and I streets, is a native of Germany, born at Heugelheim, Bavaria, January 5, 1829, his parents being William and Margaretha Nicolaus, the father a farmer by occupation. Louis Nicolaus was reared and educated at his native place, and in 1846 came to America, sailing from Harve to New York, being fifty-five days on the voyage. He proceeded to Buffalo, and there entered on an apprentice ship at the cooper’s trade with Conrad Antrose. He served one year at the trade, then worked for his employer as a journeyman. In 1848 he went to Canada, but returned after one month, to Buffalo. He then went to Cleveland, where he was employed for a time, and then worked on the canal to Dresden for a few months. He then went to Cincinnati, where he spent the winter of 1848-’49. He next went to St. Louis, and from there to Lexington, Missouri. He worked out in the woods near that place that summer, splitting staves for Waddle & Co. In the fall he again went to St. Louis, and in the spring of 1850 returned to Lexington, Missouri, There a company of forty-three was organized. under Captain Joe Waddle (a Mexican war veteran), for the purpose of going to California, and Mr. Nicolaus was one of the number. They proceeded to California via Ft. Kearney, Ft. Laramie, Sublette’s cut-off and the Truckee route, Mr. Nicolaus being sick most of the way. He and those with his wagon, four in all, stopped at Nevada City, and engaged at mining, continuing about two months. They went to Grass Valley next, but, getting no rain there, went up to Little Yuba, and mines at Hess’s Crossing, in the middle of the river, until the fall of 1851. Mr. Nicolaus then came to Sacramento, and from here went up to Amador County. He mined awhile there, then started in the butcher business with a man named Broaddus. He was in business there until the fall of 1868, when he again came to Sacramento, and bought some stock, which he afterward sold. He bought an interest in the [Capitol] brewery at twelfth and I streets, in October, 1869, from Martin Arenz, and remained in partnership with him until 1873, when [his brother-in-law] Wendell Kerth bought the interest of Mr. Arenz. Mr. Nicolaus has carried on the business ever since, and has practically rebuilt the entire plant. Since 1884 he has been making a beer which many people consider superior to any lager. The capacity of the brewery is fifty barrels per day, and a ready market is found in Sacramento and tributary territory. Mr. Nicolaus was married in this county to Miss Susannah Kerth, a native of Germany. They have had six children, of whom four are living, viz: Louis, Edward, Emma and Julia. The two deceased children are: Willie and Windell. Mr. Nicolaus is a member of Schiller Lodge, No. 105, I. O. O. F., and the Sacramento Hussars. He is a popular man, and counts his friends by the score.
Thompson & West, History of Sacramento County, 1880 p.145
The "Capital Brewery" established January 1, 1869, stands ot the north-east corner of I and Twelfth streets, on a lot 160x240 feet. It's Proprietors are Messrs. Kerth & Nicolaus. The Brewery is a brick building of two stories and a basement, is sixty-four feet wide by one hundred feet deep. It has a stream-engine of sixteen-horse power, and will use annually six thousand sacks of barley, averaging one hundred and fifteen pounds each. It employs throuhgout the year six men, and has a capacity of twenty-five barrels per day.
The Industries of Sacramento California, Published by Thompson & Co. p.158-59
CAPITAL BREWERY, Kerth & Nicholas Proprietors, corner Twelfth and I streets.
Among the cities of the Pacific Coast which have taken high marks in production of malt liquors, Sacramento stands at the front, and the Capital Brewery, both as regards the quality and quantity of its products, occupies a leading position in the trade. The plant ofthe firm is centrally located, and is one of the most complete and best arranged in the city. Its buildings are of brick, strongly built, and the entire equipment is of the most improved pattern known to the trade, power being supplied by a fifteen-horse power enginr and employment being furnished by seven men. Only the finest malt and hops are used and they are handled in a thoroughly scientific manner, ahich results in the production of a pure, finely flavored and sparkling beer that has no superior. Its proprietors are practical brewers of great ability and extended experience, and in their able hands the business has reached flattering and most satisfactory proportions. They are not content with competing, but make every effort to excel, with a result as gratifying as it is well merited. The Capital Brewery's beer will be to meet every requistite demand and for excellence of quality and healthful effect stands unsurpassed by any other in the city. |
Louis and Susanna had the six following children:
1a] Louis Jacob NICOLAUS was born 7 May 1858 in Montezuma, Solano County, California. He died 18 Sep 1912 in Sacramento, California. He married 30 Apr 1895 in Sacramento to Frances Louise GUMBERT. She was born 7 Jan 1865 in Oleta (Fiddletown), Amador County, California. She died 17 Dec 1953 in Sacramento County. Her parents were Austust GUMBERT and Caroline CRAMP.
Irvine, A History of the New California 1905 pp.1138-39
Louis J. Nicolaus, a native son of California, has for the past ten years been a foremost farmer, stock-raiser and dairyman of Sacramento county, residing a few miles southeast of Franklin, where he owns an estate of two thousand well improved acres, one of the model ranches of the county. He located on this place in 1895, and has since been thoroughly identified with his locality in matters of citizenship and industrial enterprise.
Mr. Nicolaus was born at Montezuma Hills, near San Francisco, May 7, 1858. His parents, Louis and Susanna (Kerth) Nicolaus, were both natives of Bavaria, Germany. His father emigrated to America in 1846, and in 1850 drove ox teams across the plains to California, Where he spent some time at gold mining and then went to raising stock at Montezuma Hills. He followed the butcher business for several years in Oleta, Volcano and Pine Grove in Amador county, and then in 1868 located in Sacramento county. At Sacramento he became one of the pioneer brewers, and successfully followed that business until his retirement in 1894, after which he passed his years quietly at Sacramento until his death, on May 5, 1903. He was one of the well known men of the capital city, was a Democrat in politics, and affiliated with the Odd Fellows and various other fraternities. His wife passed away January 1, 1901, and four of their children survive: Louis J.; Emma L., wife of Dr. E. L. Southworth, a well known dentist of Sacramento; Julia E., wife of J. E. Govan, city collector of Sacramento, and Edward A., a capitalist of Sacramento.
Mr. Nicolaus spent most of his youthful days in Sacramento, where the public schools and Atkinson’s Business College furnished him his education. For some twenty years he was associated with his father in the brewery industry, from which he retired in 1895 in order to devote his energies to country life and the various departments of ranching.
He was married, April 30, 1894, to Miss Frances L. Gumbert, who was born in Amador county and was reared in Sacramento county. Her parents were August and Caroline (Gramp) Gumbert, her father a native of Germany and her mother of New York state, and they were both California pioneers, her father coming to the state in 1850 and her mother the year following. Her father died September 21, 1903, and her mother resides with Mr. and Mrs. Nicolaus, being now in her sixty-fifth year. August Gumbert was one of the early gold miners of the state, and then for years followed merchandising in Oleta. Mr. and Mrs. Nicolaus have three children, Edna, Gladys and Vera. Mr. Nicolaus’ political tendencies are entirely independent, but in many ways he manifests his public-spirited interests in the well-being of his community. |
The Record Union Wed May 1 1895

The Sacramento Star Tue Sep 10 1912
The Sacramento Star Fri Sep 20 1912
The_Sacramento Bee Wed Oct 2 1912

The Sacramento Bee Thu Dec 17 1953
Louis and Frances had three daughters:
1a1] Edna NICOLAUS was born 2 May 1896 in Sacramento, California. She died 6 Jul 1985 in Sacramento County. She married 30 Oct 1920 in San Francisco, California to Earl Daniel DESMOND. He was born 26 Aug 1895 in Sacramento. He died 26 May 1958 in Sacramento County. Earl Desmond served in the Legislature from 1933 to 1958. He died while serving as president protem of the Senate. In 1947, Senator Desmond steered a bill through the legislation which created Sacramento State College, now called California State University, Sacramento.
Links to Senator Earl Desmond:
Earl D DESMOND at Wikipedia
Earl D. Desmond
Edna and Earl had eight children:
1a1a] Boy DESMOND was stillborn 17 Nov 1922 in Sacramento County. |
1a1b] Richard Francis DESMOND was born 13 Nov 1923 and he died 16 Jul 2004 in Sacramento County. He married 22 Jul 1950 in Grass Valley, California to Doris Marilyn MATSON. She was born 16 Jan 1930 in San Joaquin County, California. She died 28 Nov 2020 in Sacramento County. They had at least nine children. |
1a1c] Earl Daniel DESMOND was born 17 Mar 1925 and he died 25 Jul 1929 in Sacramento County. |
1a1d] Louis Nicolaus DESMOND was born 10 Aug 1926 and he died 13 Jan 2012 in Sacramento County. He married 23 Jun 1951 in Marin County, California to Geraldine Marie Branick. She was born 5 Nov1928 in San Francisco County, California. She died 19 Nov 2013 in Sacramento County. They had at least four children. |
1a1e] Mary Elizabeth DESMOND was born 29 Dec 1928 in Sacramento County. She married 1st. SWEIGERT, 2d MASTALSKI |
1a1f] Denise DESMOND was born 6 Jan 1930 in Sacramento County.. She married FRANZOIA |
1a1g] Virginia Clare DESMOND was born 11 Jan 1932 and she died 9 Dec 2001 in in Sacramento County. She married Clyde Andrew LAGOMARSINO. He was born 9 Apr 1925 in Sacramento County. They divorced 1970. He died 20 Oct 2008 in West Sacramento, Yolo County, California. They had at least five children. |
1a1h] Michael James DESMOND was born 1 May 1937 and he died 7 Aug 2001 in Sacramento County. |
1a2] Gladys NICOLAUS was born 14 Jul. 1899 in Sacramento, California She died 3 Apr 1980 in Monterey, California. |
1a3] Vera NICOLAUS was born 10 Jan 1905 in Sacramento County. She died 5 Oct. 1997 in Carme, Monterey, California. She married 11 Jun 1927 in Fairfield California to Clovis Daniel FLINT. He was born 4 Sep 1902 and he died 30 Sep 1965 in Sacramento County.
Vera and Clovis had two children: Sally J. FLINT m SWANSON. Wendel FLINT. |
1b] William H. NICOLAUS was born 16 May 1859 in Amador County, California; He died 10 May 1881 in Sacramento, California. William was a bookkeeper at the Capital Brewery. |
Sacramento Daily Union 12 May 1881
Sacramento Daily Union 12 May 1881
William and Wendel Kerth NICOLAUS death records. Page cropped down.
1d] Emma L. NICOLAUS was born 13 Jul 1864 and she died 5 Dec 1936 in Sacramento County, California. She married 7 Mar 1893 in Sacramento County to Ernest Lyden SOUTHWORTH. He was born 20 Aug 1865 in Canada. He died on 7 Sep 1954 inSan Beneto County, California. They have one known child,
1d1] Edith Southworth was born on 6 Aug 1894 in Sacramento, California. She died on .31 Aug 1969 in Monterey Conty, California. She married Harry Samuel THORP. He was born on 6 Feb 1892 in California. He died on 3 Nov 1964 in Monterey County, California. they had a daughter Suzanne THORP born on 18 Dec 1923 in Sacramento County, California. She died on 22 Feb 2001 in Chico, Butte, California. She married GILBERTSON.

The Sacramento Bee Mon Nov 29 1926
The Sacramento Bee Mon Dec 7 1936
1c] Julia A. NICOLAUS was born on 1 Nov 1865 in Sacramento, California. She died on 28 Jun 1943 in Sacramento, California. She married 6 Mar 1902 in Sacramento, California to James Elias GOVAN. He was born 17 Oct 1862 in Pennsylvania to James Govan and Elizabeth J Brown. He died 13 Dec 1924 in Sacramento County.

The Sacramento Bee Sat Dec 13 1924
The_Sacramento Bee Tue Jun 29 1943
1e] Wendel Kerth NICOLAUS was born 25 Apr 1867 in Sacramento, California. He died on 30 Dec 1882 in Sacramento, California.
The Sacramento Bee Saturday, Dec 30, 1882 Page 3
1f] Edward August NICOLAUS was born 2 Feb 1868 in Sacramento County. He died 1 Dec 1942 in San Joaquin County, California. He married 30 Sep 1903 in Sacramento County to Florence Yateman Williams. She was born 22 Sep 1878 in Sacramento County. She died 4 Jul 1963 in Sacramento County. "Cousin Eddie" inherited the ranch left of the George William & John Henry NICOLAUS ranch, from his parents. Many family party took place in the back of the ranch, which is now part of the Stone Lakes National Wildlife Refuge.

The Sacramento Bee Wed Dec 2 1942
The_SacramentoBee Fri Jul 5 1963
Edwardand Florence had five known children:
1f1] Wendel Kerth NICOLAUS was born on 6 Oct. 1904 in Sacramento, California. He died on 15 Jan 1979 in Sacramento County, California. He married Margaret Dibblee. She was born on.23 Jun 1909 in California. She died on 27 Mar 1987 in Marin County, California. They had two children: Wendel Kerth & Marian Jane. |
1f2] Mary Elizabeth NICOLAUS was born on 6 Jan 1906 in Sacramento, California. She died on. 28 Jul 1997 Carmichael, Sacramento, California. She married on 16 Apr 1932 in Sacramento County, California to Robert Elwood STEPHENS. He was born on 13 Aug 1904 in California. He died on22 Jun 1967 in Monterey County, California. |
1f3] Edward August NICOLAUS was born on 23 Jun 1907 in Sacramento County, California. He died on 21 Jan 1996 in Greenbrae, Marin, California. He married Dorothea Holden. She was born on 19 Feb 1913 in San Framcisco, California. She died on 9 Feb 1997 in Greenbrae, Marin, California. They had three children: Patricia m RAVEN; Edward A.; Nancy H. m ZACHER. |
1f4] Betty Eve NICOLAUS m GRAY. 2 known children: Charles G & Stephen N. |
1f5] JeanneCarolyn NICOLAUS was born on 22 Jul 1920 in Sacramento County, California. She died on 3 Sep 1989 in Sacramento County, California. She married Grant Dodd CAYWOOD. He was born on 3 Apr 1918 in Iowa. He died on 24 Aug 2008 in Sacramento, California. They had two children: Grant N & Lindi J. |